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Email Pitch – Spread the Word. I Support the Shock-Free Coalition

Copy and paste this text into an email:

Email Subject Line:

{Insert your organization name here} brings the Shock-Free Coalition to {insert name of your city}

Your Email Pitch:

I wanted to alert you to a global initiative, the Shock-Free Coalition, launching September 25, 2017, that {insert your organization name here} is participating in. Led by the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), an international member association for animal behavior and training professionals, the Shock-Free Coalition aims to end the practice of using electric shock to train and care for pets.

It is astounding that in the 21st century it is still completely legal in many countries for pet owners to deliver an electric shock to a collar worn by their cat or dog via the simple press of a button from a remote control. It is especially astounding that shocking pets is even legal, when countless studies, conducted by veterinary scientists and canine behavior specialists, indicate that using pain and fear to train animals can cause physical injury, as well as a host of psychological issues that may include their becoming fearful of other animals and people — and potentially aggressive towards them as a result.

We would greatly appreciate your help in promoting this worthy campaign to your readers, many of whom are pet owners. Pet owners are not always aware of the potential fallout of training methods such as these and it is PPG’s mission to educate them so they can make better choices for their pet’s well-being.

Please note, the release of this information is embargoed until September 25, 2017, when the campaign and website officially launch. Do let me know if you require any further information.

Best regards,

{insert your name, title and credentials here}

{Insert your organization name here}