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Editor’s Picks

Shelter Dog Reactivity in the Big City: Daisy’s Success Story

Dogs living in a big city may face big challenges related to their environment and the expectations placed on them. As a long-time shelter worker and dog trainer, I’ve seen countless leash-reactive dogs enter the system who are ill-equipped to cope with life in a sprawling metropolis like San Francisco, where I live, and that includes two of the three dogs I’ve adopted myself. Those of us embroiled in sheltering and canine behavior modification may be familiar with the common refrain, “He just needs a backyard/farmland/island of his own and… Continued

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Escape-Proof Crates: If They Sound Cruel, It’s Because They Are

by Gwendy Williams Many of us have been taught to embrace the benefits provided by crating dogs. It is why many animal caregivers avoid reading articles like this one. We don’t want to question something that has become customary and acceptable, even when we know instinctively that it’s not. Crates for dogs are, indeed, needed. However, the times that they are truly necessary account for a tiny fraction of how pervasively crates are used. When we force our dogs into isolation for extended periods of time, the discomfort we cause them is clear. They let us know. Their scratching and howling are signs of emotional states that are difficult to misinterpret, even for first-time pet owners. Dogs crying and clawing at the walls of… Continued

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Celebrating Life Together – Our Pets Share Our Lives, and Never for Long Enough!

I recently lost my Kitty Kat; it gave me pause, as always when we lose a pet. We flashback to all the memories, laughs, and lovely moments we shared over the years. I sat in a quiet location as my tears subsided and flashed back to how she came into my life. I have not yet reached the point where I can think back fondly with a smile; the pain is still too raw. But what I can do is reflect on our time spent together, our reinforcement history, the… Continued

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Help! I’m a Dog Trainer, but I Don’t Have the “Perfect Dog”

In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for dog trainers who may feel insecure about not having the “perfect dog.” Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, Last year I became a certified dog trainer, and I’m now building my business. The problem is—my own dog still struggles with behavior challenges, and people seem to assume I should have the “perfect dog.” It often leaves me feeling unsure and like an imposter. I know I’m doing my best, but how can I overcome this insecurity? Thanks, Emma A: Hi Emma,… Continued

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Shelter Dog Reactivity in the Big City: Daisy’s Success Story

Dogs living in a big city may face big challenges related to their environment and the expectations placed on them. As a long-time shelter worker and dog trainer, I’ve seen countless leash-reactive dogs enter the system who are ill-equipped to cope with life in a sprawling metropolis like San Francisco, where I live, and that includes two of the three dogs I’ve adopted myself. Those of us embroiled in sheltering and canine behavior modification may be familiar with the common refrain, “He just needs a backyard/farmland/island of his own and… Continued

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