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Examining Bird vs. Human Expectations

By Sheila S. Blanchette Anthropomorphism is quite a mouthful of a word, defined by Lexico (2021) as “the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.” Anthropomorphism is commonly seen in our day-to-day lives through social media, television, cartoons, movies, and also, maybe, when we are talking to our own animals. In the United States, one such example is Smokey Bear, “a campaign and advertising icon of the U.S. Forest Service.” (Wikipedia, 2021). Smokey is an upright black bear dressed in human clothing, including a hat,… Continued

Thinking Outside the Shelter

Behavioral services for companion animals can be so resource intensive that shelter administrators may consider in-house behavior programs to be a luxury rather than a necessity. When shelter leadership does take a chance on starting up a behavior department, minimal funding is often allocated. Our shelter was no exception: Friends For Life’s (FFL) behavior program started out as a department of one. Unsurprisingly, FFL had more behavior cases than one person could handle. The ability of the department to function effectively came to depend on the support of skilled volunteers.… Continued

Dog Parks: The Good, the Bad, and the Reality

According to the most recent report issued by the Trust for Public Land (TPL) (2019), dog parks “are among the fastest growing park amenities in the combined parks systems of the 100 largest US cities. There are currently 810 dedicated dog parks in the 100 largest cities, an increase of 37 over last year [2018].” TPL (2019) also reports a 74% increase in dog parks in from 2009 to 2019. While the numbers are steadily increasing in larger cities, many suburban and rural areas are still in need of safe… Continued

How Cats Are Made: Nature, Nurture, and the Now

It is not uncommon for adopters to base their decision primarily on the cat’s outward appearance and be less interested, or not interested at all, in the cat’s socialization history, life experiences, and behavior. In Karsh’s study on placing adult cats, she found that “appearance of the cat, particularly the cat’s color, was usually the most important factor” to the person acquiring a cat (Karsh & Turner, 1988). The lack of interest in the behavioral history of cats could also be the result of the assumption (and the expectation) that… Continued

Tracking Equines

A while ago I hosted a tracking workshop for dogs at my hobby farm in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, hosted by Margaret Keast of Jigsaw Dog Training and Behaviour Consultancy, who is based in Newcastle, NSW. I had a blast! The dogs seemed to pick it up quickly and certainly seemed to enjoy it, and it was really interesting watching the different breeds involved and how they processed the task differently. A long time prior to the workshop I had read an article about horses… Continued

Building a Feline Behavior Volunteer Program…from Scratch

At Friends For Life Animal Shelter, keeping pets with their families is at the core of our mission. But Houston has a problem: there are an estimated 1.4 million pet cats living here (American Veterinary Medical Association, 2017) and very little behavioral support available to caregivers. We can’t know for sure how many cats are at risk, but municipal shelter data helps us guess that well over 3,077 local cats are given up due to behavioral concerns every year (City of Houston, 2020; Harris County. n.d.; Weiss et al., 2015).… Continued

Saving Detainees and Dogs, One Life at a Time

Our dog training company, Cold Nose College, has been teaching a dog training program at the Georgia Department of Corrections Colwell Probation Detention Center, a minimum-security, short-term sentencing facility housing probation and parole violators in Blairsville, Georgia, since July of 2012. The superintendent of the facility, Diane Hassett, had already partnered with a local rescue group and worked through almost all the red tape for the program’s approval. All that was left was selecting a dog trainer. I was sitting at my desk one day writing a training report for… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #3 – Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids

Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel includes: Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Dr. Zazie Todd, Pat Miller, Kristi Benson, Helen Phillips, Holden Svirsky, Sam Wike, Claire Staines, Dr. Robert Hewings, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Kim Silver,… Continued

The Ever-Changing World of Service Dog Training

By Veronica Sanchez The service dog industry is ever growing and changing. With the expanding use of service dogs there has, unfortunately, also been abuse of laws pertaining to service animals and emotional support animals (ESA) in particular. Lawmakers have taken notice of this and, consequently, passed changes in legislation, which have impacted guardians of ESAs as well as service dogs. This has led to an even greater need for qualified service dog trainers. To best understand the changes in the law and their impact on service dog and ESA… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling

Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling in our… Continued

Saving Detainees and Dogs, One Life at a Time

By Lisa Waggoner  “The rehabilitation of inmates requires a willing state of mind, a helpful attitude which insists upon finding something of value even in those who have devalued themselves beyond personal hope of redemption…guided by the philosophy of maximum value on human rights and dignity.” – William H. Lyle, Jr., Ph.D. The above quote is from Behavioral Science and Modern Penology (1973), a book of articles compiled and edited by my dad, Bill Lyle, with assistance from Thetus Horner, an inmate at the Tennessee State Penitentiary. In March of… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Sponsors Sara McLoudrey, Gina Phairas, Revell Horsey and Malena DeMartini

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Geek Week 2021 sponsors Sara McLoudrey of Decisive Moment Pet Consulting, Gina Phairas of dogbiz, Revell Horsey of PocketSuite and Malena DeMartini of Malena DeMartini, Inc. The Geek Week Key Sponsors will participate in Exhibitor Corners where they can set up their own events, provide videos and graphics, and answer all of your questions! We have a great selection of professionals who have joined us this year to support you and your business. And don’t miss our Exhibitor Sessions! Jump on our Zoom event, twice… Continued

First Impressions

By Yvette Van Veen Fourteen years ago, a series of serendipitous events led me toward a career working with feral and roaming dogs. At that time, free-roaming dogs were not a common discussion topic and the prevailing notion was that these animals were not capable or fit to become pet dogs. The majority of the dogs I initially came into contact with came from rural areas of Ontario and Quebec in Canada. Over time, they also included dogs from Taiwan, Romania, Mexico and Africa. While research existed on how feral… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell

Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the… Continued

Building a Feline Behavior Volunteer Program…from Scratch

By Melissa Taylor and Alese Zeman There’s no way we at Friends For Life Animal Shelter can handle all of Houston, Texas’s feline behavior needs, but sometimes it seems like there’s no avoiding it. Not a single day goes by that we aren’t called by a desperate adopter, completely at their wits’ end. What’s even more alarming is knowing that the ones who reach out are just the tip of the iceberg: only a fraction of pet caregivers tend to contact behavior professionals, even though doing so reduces the risk… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #2 – How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians

How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson and PPG President Niki Tudge Your Advocacy Panel includes: Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Dr. Zazie Todd, Pat Miller, Kristi Benson, Helen Phillips, Holden Svirsky, Sam Wike, Claire Staines, Dr. Robert Hewings, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Kim Silver, Judy… Continued

Slipping and Sliding

By Diane Garrod It is no fun for a dog who is scared of walking on shiny floors. Slipping and sliding and being worried or afraid every step of the way can diminish confidence. Yet one can find countless videos on YouTube of people amused at their elderly dog having a hard time walking on a slippery floor, or at dogs of all ages sliding across shiny floors. In reality, it is no laughing matter. Dogs afraid of shiny floors could, in fact, be crying out for help. For example,… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Emily Wolf and Libby Felts of Summit Dog Rescue

PPG president Niki Tudge chats to Emily Wolf and Libby Felts of Summit Dog Rescue and the podcast, Pod to the Rescue. Emily and Libby provide us with an inside look at the newly created podcast, Pod to the Rescue. Whether you are fostering or adopting, the podcast was created with the goal of providing the rescue community with up-to-date information on dogs’ behavior and how to set your dog up for success. Listen for a special guest ‘appearance’ by Daisy the Dog – keeping it real! Listen to Podcast here on a choice… Continued

My Top 4 Features of Geek Week 2021 – The Sequel

by Niki Tudge, PPG Founder and President I Say This Each Year – Honestly, I Really Mean It! Each year, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) hosts a large educational event specifically geared towards providing top-class education for our members and others interested in our industry. Pre COVID-19, these events were held in person, across several locations, and with unique formats. With the onset of COVID-19, in 2020, we created a coalition of like-minded organizations to host Geek Week – a 5-day event focused on providing top notch education from the… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson

Join Niki Tudge, Debra Millikan and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson in our Geek Week 2021… Continued

Defying the Stereotype

By Dee Goings When people think of a Rottweiler, they often think, unfortunately, of a large hulking mass on a choke chain or shock collar. My girl, Ripley, could not be more different. She came to me from a family who had purchased her from a working dog breeder and had her flown out to them. At 12 weeks, when she started teething, they gave her a dustpan to chew on. She then started using the owner as a chew toy and so they called me. At the age of… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the sessions discussed in this… Continued

Tracking Equines

By Vicki Conroy A while ago I hosted a tracking workshop for dogs at my hobby farm in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, hosted by Margaret Keast of Jigsaw Dog Training and Behaviour Consultancy, who is based in Newcastle, NSW. I had a blast! The dogs seemed to pick it up quickly and certainly seemed to enjoy it, and it was really interesting watching the different breeds involved and how they processed the task differently. My main recollection/observation from the workshop was the responses of my… Continued

Switched Off?…Time to Switch Back In

How often do you feel you really connect with your dog? I mean really? Do you feel that you understand how she feels? Do you recognize that things have changed? For example, maybe healthwise your dog is not quite as fit as she used to be and doesn’t want to walk as far. Maybe she is experiencing some pain in her muscles or joints. Maybe something else is going on. Is she less social with other dogs or people as she used to be? Is friction occurring in situations where… Continued

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