Canine Division Events
Learn The Mechanisms of Anxiety and Improve Your Training Programs with Alexandra Santos
How to Help Fearful Dogs Feel Safe with Dr. Zazie Todd
Counter-conditioning for Fearful and Anxious Dogs: How to Get it Right with Dr. Zazie Todd
Circle Training©: An Innovative Approach to Training Dogs While Containing Them with Jane Gerard
You must be a PPG member to book this event.
You must be a PPG member to book this event.
Apartment Living: How To Work Around Challenges of Living with Pets in an Apartment presented by Yvette Van Veen
Loose Leash Walking Success for Clients with Mobility Disabilities with Veronica Sanchez

March Pet Professional Accreditation Board Support Webinar
A Dog’s View of the World with Tim Lewis
A PPG Member Event
Divisional meetups are informal members-only gatherings that the individual divisions host. They feature guest speakers and provide PPG members opportunities to meet, chat, and learn about specific topics pertinent to that division.
Meetups are held via Zoom, enabling Closed Captioning and providing access for members who prefer not to be on Facebook. The events are recorded for members to watch after the fact.
Only PPG members can register for this event. Members can access the event directly through the Zoom link in the registration email and watch it live streamed into the PPG Member Facebook Group.
Hosted by Your PPG Canine Division
A casual 10-minute presentation followed by a group chat and lots of time for questions and answers.
Location: Login to Zoom directly and enjoy the chat
Hosts: Judy Luther & Kelly Fahey
Guest Speakers: Niki Tudge
Topic: Let's Chat About Enrichment
Recorded: Yes this event will be recorded and available in the PPG member area afterward.
You must be a PPG member to book this event.
You must be a PPG member to book this event.
How to Make Your Dog Training More Accessible with Shelly Phillips and Jennifer Kolar

April Pet Professional Accreditation Board Support Webinar
You must be a PPG member to book this event.