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Meet Laura Cassiday of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training

  Laura Cassiday takes cat owners from hopeless to hopeful using her feline expertise and force-free training techniques.   Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you first get into animal behavior and training, and what you are doing now? I studied English and professional writing in college and grad school, and worked a couple of writing and editing jobs. In 2017, I was so bored and miserable that I just quit without any real plans. I took some time to figure out what I wanted to do with… Continued

PPG Advocacy Panel: What Do You Do When You’re the Only Force-Free Professional in Town?

Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Do You Do When You’re the Only Force-Free Professional in Town? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.   Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson   Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion: PPG Founder and President Niki Tudge, Debbie Sheridan, Kim Silver, Sue Kocher, Judy Luther and Beth Adelman.   Mentioned links: Advocating Together (article) PPG’s Guiding Principles Listen to the Podcast here on a choice… Continued

Pets, Emotions and Anthropomorphism

by Don Hanson Emotions are complicated and messy. So much so that as a youngster watching Star Trek in the 1960s, I was attracted to the Vulcan ethos of suppressing all emotion and replacing it with logic. However, I eventually learned that without emotion, we are devoid of joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love. But, unfortunately, the price for those positive feelings is negative emotions such as anger, emptiness, frustration, inadequacy, helplessness, fear, guilt, loneliness, depression, feeling overwhelmed, resentment, failure, sadness and jealousy. The fact… Continued

Advocating Together—The Mission, Vision and Values of the Pet Professional Guild

by Niki Tudge Each of us wants to bring about change in our industry. We yearn for a day when pain and fear are no longer used in the training and care of pets. We have a mammoth job ahead of us, and it most certainly is not a sprint but a marathon. It is possible to hold professional autonomy and support your choice of humane hierarchy while also taking a stand and position against the use and application of tools designed with one purpose: to inflict pain or fear.… Continued

Baby, It’s Cold Outside – Winter Outdoor Safety Tips for Pets

Just like people, dogs vary in how well they tolerate cold weather. In addition to significant physical injuries like frostbite and hypothermia, exposure to cold weather conditions can cause dogs (and cats) undue stress and suffering. Here are some tips from the Pet Professional Guild for keeping pets safe, comfortable and happy during the cold winter months. As with smaller breeds of dogs, be extra cautious when allowing cats outdoors in cold weather.      

Crossover Trainer Regine Manicom Uses a Better and Kinder Way to Get Amazing Results

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you first get into animal behavior and training, and what are you doing now? I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Guelph, and animal behavior has always been of special interest to me. I started out just training my own dogs. Sadly, my first two dogs were trained with choke chains (there was nothing else around, and I didn’t know any better), but in the late 1980s, I was introduced to Ian Dunbar and then Karen Pryor… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Jeanette Davis of Feline Rescue Association and Silver Whiskers Animal Rescue

Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with the PPG Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Jeanette Davis of the Feline Rescue Association and Silver Whiskers Animal Rescue in Baltimore, Maryland, about keeping community cats warm in the winter. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on December 23, 2022.   Jeanette Davis is a professional cat lady who lives in Baltimore, MD. She manages over 10 colonies in the Baltimore area and regularly engages… Continued

Tips for Ensuring Safe and Happy Holidays for People and Dogs

By Niki Tudge All behaviors that dogs exhibit are designed either to access pleasurable situations and desirable objects or to avoid and escape unpleasant situations and undesirable objects. (Note: This is based on what each individual dog considers to pleasant or unpleasant, not the human, and it is important to be aware that the canine and human opinions may differ in any given situation!) A dog’s communication systems are greatly ritualized, and have evolved specifically to avoid or cut off conflict. This has made dogs, as a species, very successful… Continued

What Is Enrichment for Animals?

  by Diane Garrod When the term “enrichment” is verbalized, its meaning is often not clearly understood. When I’ve asked clients, “What enrichment does your dog get?” I’ve gotten answers like ball play or a walk, or a long pause of nothing because the client is not sure what enrichment is or means. This got me thinking about the differing categories of enrichment for animals and led me to dig deeper into the science and definition of enrichment. Is it the same for dogs as it is for horses and… Continued

Canine Enrichment with Scent Detection

By Emily Coleman In early November 2022, my dog Deja and I journeyed off to the sunny climes of Crystal River, Florida, in search of adventure! And odor … By this I mean we attended the Pet Professional Guild’s three-day Scent and Scentability workshop.    Expert detection-dog handlers Dr. Robert and Karen Hewings, both retired professional police dog handlers, provided loads of valuable insight. Robert and Karen now run the UK College of Scent Dogs and were kicking off an international tour. In total, they presented five days of quality… Continued

One for the Birds

by Lara Joseph Aviaries are large outdoor enclosures designed to give birds space to fly, walk, learn and explore in a naturally occurring environment. Providing an aviary in which to train birds is an important form of enrichment for them. Birds, like other animals learn, from their environments. Birds with behavior problems might scream, pluck, or resort to nesting behaviors. Conversely, birds in aviaries have an opportunity to interact with their environments in positive ways and can demonstrate positive behaviors to replace abnormal, repetitive, or undesired behaviors. An aviary improves a… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant

Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with the PPG Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant about feline nutrition and feeding cats. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on November 18, 2022.   Sandra Grossmann is a certified feline training and behavior specialist (CFTBS) through the Animal Behavior Institute and a Cat-Friendly certified veterinary assistant. Prior to working as a feline behavior and nutrition consultant, she worked… Continued

Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: Licensing vs. Industry Certification

  This article is excerpted from the book, Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: A Model for Raising the Bar to Protect Professionals, Pets and Their People, authored by Niki J. Tudge, Susan J. Nilson, Debra A. Millikan and Louise A. Stapleton-Frappell (pp. 14-21). The book is available as a free download from DogNostics Career Center or in print from Amazon. According to Roth and Ramlow (2016), “Americans have always been rooted in the idea of economic freedom.” In other words, Americans tend to be of the belief that hard work… Continued

PPG Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #15 – Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission

Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.   Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson   Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Linda Michaels, Kim Silver, Dr. Karolina Westlund and Monique Williams of the PPG Equid Division. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of… Continued

When Cat Guardians (and Their Cats) Are at the End of Their Rope, Bonnie Comes to the Rescue

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now. A: I live in Missouri with my husband of 20 years along with two cats, one gerbil and some fish. I volunteer at Wayside Waifs, where I previously worked for nearly 11 years as their feline care manager. I helped develop behavior and socialization programs to help increase each cat’s chances of adoption. I also love dogs! I love to travel, and most recently we went to… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz

Join PPG’s Kelly Fahey and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther as they chat and chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz about their THRIVE! program. THRIVE! is an online program of dogbiz’s that provides group coaching and a supportive community to help R+ dog trainers and their businesses thrive. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below.   Recorded on October 21, 2022.

Chat & Chuckle with Laura Cassiday of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training as they chat about cat declawing, current legislation banning the procedure and ways to advocate for cats to keep their claws. Apologies in advance for some audio issues in this episode! Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below.   Recorded on October 14, 2022.

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Maker of Shock Collar Products

By Niki Tudge Good news! A class-action lawsuit has been filed in California against Radio Systems, maker of shock collar products. The story has been picked up by Bloomberg Law and several other sites.   Excerpt from the filing:   “This is a consumer class action arising out of misrepresentations and omissions by Radio Systems in connection with its manufacture, sale, marketing, and advertising of shock collar products under the brand name PetSafe® (the “Shock Collar Products”). Shock Collar Products are devices that deliver electric shocks to household pets via a collar worn… Continued

The Lost Art of Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable – An Urgent Need

By Niki Tudge As business owners, one of our fundamental responsibilities to our clients, our employees and our stakeholders is to ensure that we provide a workplace where civility is not only a priority, but a deep-rooted, daily cultural norm. Manners, respect, consideration, tolerance and equality are all characteristics and indicators of a healthy and progressive organizational culture. While the mere suggestion of implementing a workplace training program on manners may draw sneers and seem like overkill, the reality is that rudeness is a workplace epidemic that can cost small… Continued

Scent Work Works for Shelter Dogs

Using scent work as part of enrichment programs in shelters can improve both welfare and adoption rates for dogs by Rachel Lane You’ve probably heard people say that when you adopt a shelter dog, you adopt problems and bring home headaches—or another version of the same sentiment. I have heard this far too often, and it always makes me sad. Yes, it is true that sometimes dogs in shelters do display behaviors that adopters label as undesirable, but there are also lots of amazing animals waiting for their forever homes.… Continued

Is It Time to Have a Business Meeting with Yourself?

by Veronica Boutelle If you’ve ever had someone say to you, “Oh, you’re a dog trainer? It must be so fun to play with puppies all day!” and had to take a very deep breath, we get it. Running your own business, especially one that requires complex behavior work and client support, is a lot. Whether you’ve just started out in the dog world or have decades of experience, long to-do lists seem to go with the territory. The exciting thing we’ve seen in our THRIVE! group coaching program is… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #14 – Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?

Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?   Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?   Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.     Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Sam Wike, and Monique… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service

Join Niki Tudge, PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther and BARKS Magazine editor-in-chief Paula Garber as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta, owner of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service and co-owner of The Real Dog Nerds, about pets with behavior problems requiring a veterinary behaviorist, and what pet guardians can look for and do in preparation for and support of a veterinary behavior program for their pet.   Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Lisa Radosta here on your choice of platforms.   Or just stay on this page and… Continued

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